Online editing with Pixlr & Snapseed
Every digital image needs to be edited to reach it's full potential.
Pixlr is a great alternative to Photoshop and Lightroom. It's web based - which means there's nothing to download - it has almost all of the functionality of expensive programs - and it's FREE !!
Snapssed is a cool free app for smartphone users
Snapssed is a cool free app for smartphone users
DofE Students should edit 3 of their images and send them in along with the originals
We use Pixlr E to begin with. It is close to Photoshop and has a full range of editing features
Pixlr X is designed for graphics projects
Pixlr E
Simple editing workflow
1. Open Image - If necessary choose UNLOCK LAYER
2. Use the Crop tool - select constraint - choose free or size