We call this lesson Alphabetography - combining the two words Alphabet and Photography and making a new word which describes the art of writing with pictures. Students look for the letters of their names or try to spell a word like Click or Camera.
Some students have even made whole alphabets.
It's a great first lesson - you take your camera or phone and go out looking for images. That's photography !!
Alphabet letters can be found or made. There are no rules - except perhaps that some people say you shouldn't use actual letters - from signs or in books. Even this is debatable. As with most of the best Photography projects, Alphabetography is mostly about looking and using your imagination. You may see a letter and the photographer at your side may not see anything.
Move slowly through your environment and look carefully.
For this project the camera is a recording device and you don't need clever angles.
Just make sure the images are sharp and well framed.
Move slowly through your environment and look carefully.
For this project the camera is a recording device and you don't need clever angles.
Just make sure the images are sharp and well framed.
Letters can be found or made.
Get the family involved
You can also make the whole word in a collage or still life
Students have made whole alphabets. Jamie and Lucy all made the entire Alphabet & Joseph took a walk along Hampton Wick High St and photographed letters from shop signs to make his alphabet collage