How do you like your pancakes ? I like mine with honey, lemon juice, and a tiny sprinkling of sugar. Sweet and sharp at the same time, and with raspberries, blueberries or strawberries on the side. Maple syrup is too sickly for me and chocolate is a complete no-no.
It's completely personal of course - how do you like yours ?
The pancake should be the size of a dinner plate, and very thin with crispy edges. I'm not a fan of the American stack or the notion that bacon might poke its nose in - although I DO love crispy bacon.
Smaller pancakes are becoming popular now and that's cool too.
I make them using Delia's recipe from my mum's old cookbook (see bottom of page) although I do know the measures - even if they are in ounces in my head (50g is 2oz ! )
When the kids were small they had them for breakfast at least once a week.
How to shoot pancakes
In the pan - in the air - or on the plate.
Everyone does Pancake day in their own special way
If you Flip it - Flash it. Use Focus Lock to make sure there's no delay (half press the shutter button.)
If using your phone use Burst Mode to shoot lots of pictures - then choose the best one.
Use natural light if possible when it's on the plate. ( maybe move the plate close to a window )
Make a little story from egg whisking to face stuffing. Get close for an abstract composition. Check your shots and repeat if necessary (tell the cook that you need another one for your assignment)